Empower Your Outreach with Personalized Bulk Emails

No Tedious User Registration Required.

No Subscription Plans.

Upload your contact list or drag and drop
.XLSX and .CSV

Try with your own file

Don't have a file?

We do not store your data; it is processed within your browser.

How it Works

Send thousands of emails in minutes

  • Import your contact list in .XLSX or .CSV format.
  • Ensure that your column headings are treated as variables, as illustrated below:
  • Detected Variables (11)
  • Select the column that contains the email variable:
  • emailvariable


No subscription plans. You only pay for what you use.

First 100 Emails / Day


Updates Daily !

101 - 1000 Emails

U$S 0,99 fixed price

1001+ Emails

U$S 0,99 fixed price

+ U$D 0.0003 per Email

Upload your contact list or drag and drop
.XLSX and .CSV allowed

Try with your own file

Don't have a file?